If you come to Trillium Lake on a day of mist and light rain, as we did, Mt. Hood will be hidden by low clouds and mist. Come on a sunny day and you will see her in the distance, 7.5 miles from our fisherman.

It rained on the morning we were to go to Trillium Lake https://www.outdoorproject.com/united-states/oregon/trillium-lake . We left late in the morning and stopped along the road to eat lunch in an old log building that has been there forever. We could choose between tables with heavy wooden chairs or booths also of heavy wood, all made from local timber. We chose the booth and ordered hot turkey sandwiches with gravy. It seemed warming and appropriate on that kind of a day. When we left the rain had stopped but there was still mist and a light drizzle. Everything that morning at Trillium Lake seemed so right to me. There are times when I don’t need the sun to stimulate and I welcome the skies of Oregon.

There is a path that circles the lake, Trillium Lake Loop Trail. It is 3.6 miles around, an easy, even path. The day we were there we were in the company of a few campers, hikers, fisherman and the curious. However, if you need the sun and are in the area in the summer, there are picnic tables and boating. Plus, there is fishing and kayaking and I hear, gorgeous sunsets. Camping grounds are not far from the lake. Summertime drawback: more people. Also, in the colder months, check first to see if the lake is open. If you visit during Spring, Summer, Fall, definitely don’t miss Timberline Lodge, only a short drive from the Lake. https://roadtosuchness.com/timberline-lodge/
