Santa Fe Spring ?
Does it happen to you every year, too? Spring will be in the air. In my garden valiant little green heads will poke themselves through the hard ground. They seem so innocent and I want to tell them, “Go Back!”. Harsh morning frosts of Santa Fe are still a possibility in Spring until the middle of May. Or I will go into town on a promising day with a jacket and feel foolish when I see everyone walking around in tee shirts. A few days later I am in my garage looking in storage boxes for those warm socks I packed away.
Speaking of weather possibilities, this was our garden on April 29, 2017, the most snow that Santa Fe has seen in late April since the 1960’s.
I know. Two pictures are enough to give you the idea. Who wants to see snow now. On to Spring. These were some corners in Santa Fe one week later, May 7, on an early Sunday morning.
So Spring, with your promises, you have brought me back to this blog with fresh new plans and unleashed expectations. I was ill to different degrees for three long months and I have ignored you. I am ready now for the ideas that came to me in quiet moments during the colder and darker months of January, February, March.