There is a lot to say about Canyon Road. There is true wonderment in the bounty of artist studios , art galleries, fashion boutiques and good restaurants. It is a great way to spend your day or a least a few hours. And this is what I do, at least two or three times a year. When the winds settle into soothing breezes and the air spoils me with soft temperatures, I’m reminded that it’s that time again for my morning walk up Canyon Road, http://visitcanyonroad.com/. I get up early and grab my camera. I park at the bottom of the hill and the beginning of the galleries. By the time I reach the top, a short half mile, I’ve already spent a couple hours quenching my curiosity. There is always something new, changes, a new surprise in the familiar. And I never come home with a repeat photograph in my camera.
Santa Fe is the center of the arts in the Southwest. It began as an artists colony and grew into the heart of the art district in Santa Fe. It is only a short and enjoyable walk from the center of the city and from the hotels and inns of Santa Fe.
Sometimes when I read my favorite blogs, I will read a whole post. Sometimes I read only parts. But there is one thing that I always docompletely and that is look at all of the photographs. In the case of my walks along Canyon Road, the photographs tell the story of my Fall day there. The following pictures, different from others I have taken on other walks, are a glimpse into a Fall morning walk on a very special half mile in the city of Santa Fe.
And finally, against an adobe wall: