I am always happiest when I can take something in my two hands and another thing will evolve: eggs into birthday cakes, colorful dyes in a steaming pot on white silk. Wardrobes on the street sets in Miami and theatre costumes in Portland were happy times. Life has brought me now to the high deserts of New Mexico. Outside my window at night are the dark night skies, unpolluted by city lights and cut with the occasional cry of a coyote. Nights are so quiet I don’t think of the gophers that tear up my garden or red racer snakes and who knows what else goes on out there. The days are embraced with sun and clouds on high turquoise skies, or not infrequently, with interruptions of a variety of weather extremes. I am in this life together with Michael, my partner and friend. I am so lucky now to have time to start what I have always wanted, a journal, and to spice it up with a new found love, photography, and to share it with you and whoever else chances upon this road to suchness.